200th podcast milestone

The Southcoast Artists Index Will Soon Drop Its 200th Podcast! 


IN-FOCUS ARTICLE: Our 200th Podcast!

By Ron Fortier

The Southcoast Artists Index Podcasts have documented the legacies of over 200 Southcoast Artists. Here they are! Adam Gomes | Albertus van Beest | Alison Wells | Allie Copeland | Alyssa Botelho | Autum Liv Cyr | Barbara Healy | Ben Jones | Ben Martinez | Beth Ann Gallagher | Bob Williamson | Boston Maki/Mark Carvalho | Brandon Cabral | Brian Cass | Butch McCarthy | Candice Lee Heald | Candida Rose | Carl Simmons | Carol Way Wood | Carolyn Dlouhy Walega | Catherine Carter| Charles Hauck | Charles Henry Gifford | Chloe Costa | Chris Camarao | Chris Donovan | Chris Page | Christine Maiato FitzGerald | Chuck Boucher | Dan Cooney | Dan Logan | Dana Smith  | Dave Reis | David Baggarly | David Dauer | David Mello | David Prentiss | Dena Hayden | Denn Santoro | Diane Conlon | Don Burton | Don Hoaglund | Don Wilkinson | Donna Dodson | Donna Gagnon | Dr. Michael Rocha | Drew Furtado | Earl White | Eden Soares | Elyse Laurelle Demarest | Eric Baylies | Eric Hart | Ethan de Aguiar | Everett Hoagland | Filipe Miguel | Fitzcarmel LaMarre | Frank C. Grace | Greg Abate | Heather Stivison | Helen Granger | Hendrick Hernandez-Resto | Immuter | Jack Maravell | James Bobrick | James L. Murdock | Jane Ferris Richardson | Jason Smith | Jeff Angeley | Jeffrey Wotton | Jennifer Gillooly Cahoon | Jeremiah Hernandez | Jill Law  | Jim Charette | John Fernandes | John Harrison | John Jameson | John Walker | Johnny Gwynn | Jon Stetson | Judith Klein | Karen Langford Chace | Kat Knutsen | Kathi Chase | Kayla Conner | Keith M. Francis | Kate Frazer Rego | Kevin ‘Dempt’ Jose | Kevin Grant | Kyle DeCicco-Carey | Lasse Antonsen | Laurie Wolfe | Lean Camara | Lemuel Eldred | Lindsay Compton | Lindsay Mis | Lowell Thompson | Lyn Dillies | Mal Oliveira | Marcia Hales | Margaret ‘Peggi’ Medeiros | Margo Connolly-Mason | Margo Vaulterra | Marina Dawn Wells | Mark Barry | Mark Furtado | Mark Gleicher | Mary Monteiro | Mason Terra | Matt Shimala | Matthew Beall | Mercy Bell | Michael Lapides | Michael Morris | Michael Pietragalla | Michael Rose | Michael Walden | Milena Rodrigues | Milton Brightman | Molly O’Leary | Nancy Hayes | Naomi Slipp | Neal Weis | Neenah Cruz | Nicholas Yellenti | Nick LeBlanc | Pam Hoss | Pat Coomey Thornton | Patrice Tiedemann | Patricia A. Thomas | Patti Rego | Paul Bielatowicz | Paul Pedulla | Peggy Call-Conley | Peter Andrade  | Peter Pereira | Phillip J. Mellen | Putnam Murdock | Quinn Sullivan | Ralph Hickok | Randy Swann | Rhonda M. Fazio | Richard Connor | Richard Walega | Ricky Gagnon | Robert Brodesky  | Robert M. Dec | Robert Swain Gifford | Roger Andrews | Roger Kizik | Ron Fortier | Roy Rossow | Ryan Rooney | Rylan Brenner | Sam Babineau | Sara Folger | Sarah Athanas | Sarah Donner | Sarah Mulvey | Scott Bishop | Seaglass Theater Company | Sean FitzGerald  | Sean McCarthy | Seth Rainville | Sheila Oliveira | Stephen Remick | Stephen Rogers | Steve Berger | Susan Hauck  | Taylor Hickey | The Jethros | Tim McDonald | Tobey Eugenio | Todd Salpietro | Tom Short | Trajic Montalvo | Troy Hendriksen | Wanda Medina | Wendy Goldsmith | Wendy Hall | William Bradford | William C. Kennedy | William Kendall | William Perry | Yaniv Dinur | Ymelda Rivera Laxton  | Zachary White

CLICK HERE: The 200th Episode Podcast [dropping on March 10, 2025]

With your continued support we will continue to collect, document, and archive as many contemporary artists and those from as many generations from the past while making our archives available to everyone in and beyond the creative community.

Please consider donating whatever you can to help and assure us in our mission to continue documenting the legacies of our South Coast Artists.

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Historical and deceased artists

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