In Focus Podcast

Episode 106

He provides anecdotes, silly stories, and possibilities…


Welcome, Carl Simmons to In-Focus Podcast Number 106. Carl is a New Bedford, Massachusetts musician, visual artist, performance artist, and the South Coast’s default local historian!

Southcoast Today’s Art Beat columnist said that Carl is, “… a local historian much concerned with preserving the past but in his artwork, he is clearly not beholden to it. His imagery, be they drawings, watercolors, digital photographs, or short digital animations, instead celebrate the mythology and folklore of the city of New Bedford and its surrounding communities.

Carl talks with The Artist Index’s host, Ron Fortier, and reveals more of his life and art. Carl also helps us kickoff our new player window. This episode was recorded with Zoom “post-pandemic” in 2021.

We offer the option to our guests of recording their podcasts in our studio at the Spectrum Marketing Group in Howland Place or via Zoom following Covid protocol and depending on the current circumstances of the pandemic.

We all hope that there will be an end in sight for the COVID-19 Pandemic. Until then, we will continue to podcast remotely, assisted by Zoom, to accommodate our guests’ schedules and to allow them to remain in the comfort of their homes.

The whole concept of The Artists Index and the journey we are on is are still in the making and very organic. If you would like to be a guest or, have a suggestion, please let us know!


Carl Simmons

New Bedford, Massachusetts 02346


This program is supported in part by a grant from the New Bedford Cultural Council, a local agency that is supported by the Mass Cultural Council, a state agency.


This In-Focus podcast episode is made possible with the support of Heavenly Spirits, who invites you to celebrate the art of life and creative communities everywhere.

Heavenly Spirits, Importers Of Exceptional French Spirits.