A three-part mini podcast series hosted by Ron Fortier about the New Bedford Film Festival and its celebration of authentic cinematic stories, the cultivations of bold storytellers, and the new champions of the city’s growing creative economy. The growing festival is...
New Bedford Film Festival – Episode 2 of 3
A three-part mini podcast series hosted by Ron Fortier about the New Bedford Film Festival and its celebration of authentic cinematic stories, the cultivations of bold storytellers, and the new champions of the city’s growing creative economy. The growing festival is...
New Bedford Film Festival Podcast Series – Episodes 1, 2 & 3
A three-part mini podcast series hosted by Ron Fortier about the New Bedford Film Festival and its celebration of authentic cinematic stories, the cultivations of bold storytellers, and the new champions of the city’s growing creative economy. The growing festival is...
New Bedford Film Festival – Episode 3 of 3
A three-part mini podcast series hosted by Ron Fortier about the New Bedford Film Festival and its celebration of authentic cinematic stories, the cultivations of bold storytellers, and the new champions of the city’s growing creative economy. The growing festival is...
Podcast Episode 183: New Bedford Film Festival
Welcome, once again, Alyssa Botelho from Podcast Episode 175 and Ethan de Aguiar, from Podcast Episode 173. They have teamed up to create the New Bedford Film Festival - which, "celebrates authentic cinematic stories, cultivates bold storytellers, and champions the...
Podcast Episode 178: Beth Ann Gallagher
Welcome Fairhaven native, Beth Ann Gallagher, film buff, historian, and the founder of the film and television blog Spellbound with Beth Ann (2008). The blog offers, "featured productions and creatives that often come from the silent and classic film eras, but not...
Podcast Episode 175: Alyssa Botelho
Welcome, Alyssa Botelho a writer, director, producer, and actor. She was born and raised in Fairhaven, Massachusetts. Her passion for unearthing untold stories from the past and breathing life into them through the art of filmmaking is what drives her to create....
Podcast Episode 173: Ethan de Aguiar
Welcome, Ethan de Aguiar, who self-describes as a self-proclaimed artrepreneur. He is a New Bedford native and an experienced filmmaker. Ethan de Aguiar focuses on the art of storytelling and brings the essence of the subject matter to life with cinematic visuals...