In Episode Four, our Gallery X Documentation Project podcast host Sean FitzGerald speaks with Christine Maiato FitzGerald, his wife, and the Gallery X Documentation Project’s master scanner!
Christine, who is also an artist, was our guest on Podcast Episode 88. She has scanned the varied contents of the Gallery X archives, folders, and file boxes dating from 1990 to 2008 (18 years), including over 100 news articles, nearly 200 exhibition posters, and many postcards, pamphlets, programs, newsletters, and booklets. But wait, there’s more!
Christine has also scanned dozens of miscellaneous advertisements, awards, certificates, and other items. Her efforts and dedication while scanning Gallery X‘s entire collection of documents spanning 34 years. The documents include news clippings, posters, flyers, photographs, and more. Once scanned, these records, including the remaining 17 years (2009-2025) will be archived and mined for information specific to the artists who have exhibited their work or performed at New Bedford’s oldest continually operating cooperative art gallery. They will be included in The Artists Index searchable database project.
The gallery was founded in 1990 and is a contemporary, cooperative art gallery of visual, performing, and literary artist members and volunteers. Gallery X has served as an incubator for emerging artists and is a venue for established artists. It is a platform for local artists, performers, and creatives of all ages, skill levels, and backgrounds to showcase their talents as an integral part of the South Coast‘s community.
This eight-episode podcast series supports and documents the overall project and provides historical and background information about the gallery and the progress made to date. The Gallery X Documentation Project will reach out to listeners and anyone seeking information about historical or contemporary artists from the South Coast’s creative community.
The Artists Index offers listeners up close and personal conversations with the artists, supporters, and cultural impresarios of South Coast’s creative community. Listen to the artists talk about their work, backgrounds, passions, dreams, and accomplishments. Also featured are those who work in or manage the creative community’s economy, promotion, and cultural agenda.
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Gallery X Series Episode 4: Christine Maiato FitzGerald

This Series is Supported in Part by:
Wicked Cool Places/ARPA GRANT
We thank them for their grant support in assisting us in preserving the history and legacy of Gallery X and the South Coast.
Wicked Cool Places
The Gallery X Documentation Project is supported in part by the ARTnet/Wicked Cool Places grant funded by the City of New Bedford through the American Rescue Plan Awards and its Arts, Culture & Tourism Fund and is facilitated by New Bedford Creative at the NBEDC.
Gallery X
The Gallery X Documentation Project is the first phase of a larger agenda to scan the entire collection of Gallery X documents, including news clippings, posters, flyers, photographs, and more. The scanned documents will be archived and later mined for information specific to South Coast artists